Get ready for 2FA
Buying crypto with Coinme at Coinstar with cash just got easier with mobile phone two-factor authentication (2FA).
What is mobile phone 2FA?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra security step that will help verify one’s identity, provide added protection to Coinme accounts, and eventually be utilized to enable higher purchasing limits.
Starting in 2022, all Coinme transactions at Coinstar will require text message-based 2FA using the verified mobile phone number associated with each Coinme account.
Better user experience
Frequent Coinstar kiosk customers will notice a new user experience as a result, but will enjoy the new benefits that will make purchasing crypto with cash using Coinme even easier, including:
- Faster, seamless purchase experiences
- Enhanced account protection
- Higher purchase limits
How it works
- Start your transaction at the Coinstar kiosk by entering your mobile phone number associated with your Coinme account.
- Enter the code sent to your mobile phone. Be sure to bring your mobile phone with you to the Coinstar kiosk!
- Complete your crypto purchase transaction.
- Redeem your crypto purchase into your Coinme Wallet.